The Governor

This page is for governors and others who attended conferences and other events where David Marriott gave a keynote speech and/or presentation.

In some cases, the relevant local authority governor services team own the materials, which can be obtained through them. This applies to Oxfordshire and Wiltshire, for example.

You can download his presentation and background papers. Just click on the downloads for the relevant event below.

Wiltshire Chairs' Network initial meeting 16th March 2013
Chairs network.ppt
Morgan's Vale and Woodfalls primary school governor development event
8th September 2012
Academies presentation.ppt
Westfield primary school governors' development session 26th March 2012
Westfield March 2012.ppt
Poole governors conference 10th March 2012
Self eval after the SEF.ppt
Collab Fed etc what does it all mean.ppt
Brighton clerks and chairs conference 2nd March 2012
Strengthening clerking.ppt
Update for chairs.ppt
Chandler's Field primary school 16th January 2012
Holding your school to account.ppt
UK Corporate Governance Code June 2010.pdf
Schools that stay satisfactory.pdf
statutory policies for schools.pdf
St Laurence Governors' Conference 13th January 2012
Outstanding governance St Laurence.ppt
Corporate governance checklist.doc
School governance learning from the best Ofsted report May 2011.doc
UK Corporate Governance Code June 2010.pdf
The Trafalgar School at Downton: governors strategy meeting 23rd November 2011
Trafalgar govs strategy meeting.ppt
Support and challenge list.doc
School governance learning from the best Ofsted report May 2011.doc
Succession breeds success.pdf
North Somerset govs conference 15th October 2011
Holding your school to account.ppt
Booklet.pdf (exactly the same as document above, but in pdf format)
Swainswick governing body session 6th October 2011
Swainswick Oct 2011.ppt
WGA inaugural meeting September 2011
Outstanding governance.ppt
School governance learning from the best Ofsted report May 2011.doc
Ubley governing body session 12 September 2011
Ubley Sept 2011.ppt
Working together blank decision planner Jan 2010.pdf
Essex Clerks conference 30 June 2011
Essex clerks conference June 2011.ppt (powerpoint presentation from the event)
Professionalising clerking.doc

Poole Governors Forum 23 June 2011

Academy choices.ppt (powerpoint presentation from the event)
becoming an academy.pdf
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